Centre For Career & Employment Engagement

Connecting Individuals To Career & Employment Optimization

Based on a decade long career as a Human Resources professional, as well as five years of entrepreneurial specialty in assisting individuals in optimizing employment and employability, Carolyn provides Employment Readiness Workshops and Career Coaching with a view to:

Maximizing Career Development for:

People who are employed and want a job change, second career and/or are under-employed, etc.

Optimizing Work Engagement for:

People facing and/or dealing with unemployment.


Employment Optimization Topics Include:

Mindfulness; Job Searching; Resume Writing; Interview Performance; Conflict Management; Stress Management; Change Management; Time Management; Customer Service;  and Effective Communication Skills.

Metrics Used Include:

Work Personality Index (WPI)® – Career and Development Reports.  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)® – Interpretive Report, Career Report.  Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)™  Strong Interest Inventory®
